Travel in the Time of COVID-19
When I launched this business two months ago, I was beyond excited. Both traveling and writing are my most treasured hobbies, and I was thrilled to be able to meld them into an experience that can be shared with others. Just after launching this business, the COVID-19 crisis hit China then Italy then Spain then the United States, and ultimately the whole damn world.
While I totally indulge in some self-pity for a day or two…okay, maybe like two weeks. However, self-pity has never really helped me to get to what I want. I decided instead to use the shelter in place time to grow myself as a creator. Doom scrolling is another go-to favorite of mine. I don’t know why I seem to have an allergy to doing the next right thing. I guess bad habits are difficult to break. I gave myself the challenge of reading one news article and then a piece of literature that nourished my creative spirit. I tried to spend a few minutes each day being reflective of the experience, documenting how it was impacting me and my community.